Sunday, January 16, 2011

Where do I begin?

I'm finally gonna give this blog thing a try. I know it will be worth it for Emma and Porter to have all their memories saved in one place. This blog will be mostly about Emma who is 3 years old and Porter who will be 6 months in a week. We just wrapped up our first Christmas holiday with sweet Porter. They had a wonderful Christmas with both of our families! They definitely got spoiled. One of my favorite parts of Christmas was when Scott's parents and my parents opened their calendar filled with pictures of the children. I created them on Shutterfly and they turned out precious!

Emma is now a professional gift unwrapper. (or so she claims). She had so much fun unwrapping presents. It makes everything worth while to see her face and hear her say after every gift "Oh my gosh!" or "It is so beautiful!" She loves her new American doll (Lilly) that Santa brought her with lots of doll outfits and a dog named Coco. My neice Riley got one as well so they got to play dolls together. She also got an awesome art easel from namaw and tapaw and a trampoline from nana and pop.
A funny thing that happened at Chrsitmas Eve mass. We have a new priest that is amazing at including the children. He called all the children to the front of the church to sit on the steps. And surprisingly Emma went up there. (She had help from her cousin Holly) After about 5 minutes here comes Emma running down the aisle (thank goodness I was on the end seat) and she found me and threw her lip gloss at me. She said here mom hold my gloss and ran back to the front. Another 5 minutes go by and here comes Emma once again. She stopped right in front of me and began holding herself doing the tee-tee dance. "Mom I have to go potty BAD!" She said it of course at the most quiet time of mass it seemed. I was so embarassed! Gotta love kids!
Oh how I love Christmas time now with young ones. Emma gets so excited about everything. She loves Christmas music, shopping for presents, helping me wrap them. She is at that amazing age now where Christmas is the most amazing thing in the world. We can also bribe her to do things she normally wouldn't want to do like take medicine. :) I can't tell you the number of times that we said Santa or Buddy (her elf) are watching you or I'm gonna call Santa and tell him to take that bike out of the sleigh. It was nice!!


  1. Yay! So glad you got a blog! Let me know if you have any questions :)

    Hope to see you soon!

    Here's mine:

  2. YAY YAY!!! So glad you started a blog. I tried to comment earlier but not sure if it went through! Here is my blog.
